August 2024 Social Media Holidays

July 19, 2024
august social media holidays


Boost B2B engagement with August's social media holidays. Learn tips and use ChatGPT for creative content ideas to keep your audience engaged and connected.

Summer’s here, and the heat is on! That’s why it’s the perfect time to add some fire to your social media posts by celebrating some of August’s holidays. 

We’ve got a great list of August holidays that await your B2B business this year along with tips on how to best celebrate and get engagement up. We’ll also make sure you’re using all the resources at your disposal with our tips on how to use Chat GPT to get content ideas.

Why Holiday Social Media Trends Are Important for B2B Brands

Holiday social media trends are a goldmine for B2B brands, creating opportunities for increased engagement, showcasing your brand’s personality, and creating a reliable source of content for your followers. Participating in holiday trends allows brands to break through the digital noise, connecting with your audience in relatable and festive ways. Engaging in holiday trends boosts visibility and strengthens relationships with customers by aligning brand messages with the values and cultural moments that matter to them.

  • Increased engagement - Holiday social media trends boost online interaction. By tapping into the collective spirit of a holiday, B2B brands can see a surge in likes, shares, and comments. Engagement peaks as audiences engage with content that resonates with them, making holidays an ideal time to increase visibility and engage in conversations with the brand’s target market.
  • Showcasing brand personality - Holidays provide a chance for your B2B brand to reveal your personable side. Through creative content that celebrates a specific holiday, you can showcase your brand’s values, culture, and ethos. This provides you with a chance to differentiate yourself from your competitors while building a stronger, more relatable connection with your audience, enhancing brand loyalty.
  • A steady stream of content - Holiday social media trends offer a reliable framework for content planning, ensuring there’s always something relevant and engaging to share. By including holiday themes in the content calendar, your B2B brand maintains a steady flow of posts that keep your audience interested and engaged throughout the year.

Keeping up with these celebrations provides an almost never-ending supply of content ideas to keep brands relevant and at the top of people’s minds during these exciting times of the year. By strategically participating in holiday social media trends, your brand can enhance your digital presence, foster community, and drive meaningful engagement.

August Social Media Holidays and Chat GPT Guidance

Paris Olympics - August 1-11

Bring together the spirits of both competition and unity with stories of resilience and teamwork. Highlight past or current athletes, especially if any have ties to your industry. 

The Olympics are especially great if your B2B brands are in the event management, travel, and sports sectors so you can use your knowledge in these industries to bring better content to your audience.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo: 

"Give 1-2 ways [Insert your brand info/URL here] can celebrate the Paris Olympics on social media, such as highlighting the industry-relevant work of past athletes."

International Beer Day - August 2

Share fun beer-related facts, host virtual pub quizzes, or spotlight local breweries to celebrate this holiday.

Beer Day is an excellent way for B2B brands in hospitality, breweries, and event services to build engagement with your audience.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo:  

"Give 2-3 unique ways [Insert your brand info/URL here] can celebrate International Beer Day on social media, like by hosting a virtual pub quiz and offering prizes to our followers."

National Book Lovers Day - August 9

Start a virtual book club, share book recommendations from your team, or feature books that can inspire others in your B2B brand’s industry on their journey. 

This is great for library services, education, and publishing to showcase ways your B2B brands understand your audience.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo: 

"Suggest 1-3 social media holiday celebration ideas that [Insert your brand info/URL here] can use to celebrate National Book Lovers Day with our audience, such as by sharing our team members' favorite books."

International Youth Day - August 12

Showcase your commitment to the next generation by highlighting youth initiatives, scholarships, or mentorship programs your company supports. 

Youth-focused nonprofits and education B2B brands can utilize Youth Day to connect with a younger audience and their family or support system.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo:  

"Give 2-3 suggestions for [Insert your brand info/URL here] to celebrate International Youth Day, such as by highlighting youth initiatives with the B2B brand."

National Relaxation Day - August 15

Encourage your audience to take a break with tips on relaxation and wellness. Share how your team relaxes or how your products/services promote well-being and relaxation. 

For B2B brands in wellness or even furniture manufacturing, National Relaxation Day is a great way to promote well-being and connect with your audience’s sense of self-care.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo:  

"What are 1-2 ways [Insert your brand info/URL here] can celebrate National Relaxation Day on social media? Such as highlighting our products that promote self-care."

National Nonprofit Day - August 17

Highlight partnerships with nonprofits or community service projects your company is involved in. Encourage donations or volunteering among your followers. 

For any B2B brand involved in nonprofit work or philanthropy, this is a great holiday to get your audience involved and share how to make real changes.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo:  

"Give 2-3 ways [Insert your brand info/URL here] can celebrate  National Nonprofit Day, like by emphasizing how donations specifically help nonprofits.”

World Entrepreneurs Day - August 21

Celebrate innovation and resilience by sharing entrepreneurial stories within your company or industry or by offering advice for budding entrepreneurs. 

Working in small B2B businesses or being a startup is a great chance to help engage with your audience on Entrepreneurs Day.  

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo:  

"Give 1-2 ways [Insert your brand info/URL here] can celebrate World Entrepreneurs Day, such as sharing stories from our own B2B brand's entrepreneurial success."

Women's Equality Day - August 26

Promote gender equality by highlighting the achievements of women in your industry and discuss initiatives your company has taken to support women. If you want to feature women who are currently working with your company, be sure to get their permission first. Make sure female team members are involved with the content creation and approval process as well.

For Women’s Equity Day, B2B brands in HR or Diversity and Inclusion can share the ways they celebrate and support women every day and connect with your audience in encouraging the same.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo:  

"Help [Insert your brand info/URL here] celebrate the achievements of Women on Women’s Equity Day by suggesting 2-3 ways our B2B brand can celebrate, like by highlighting women within our industry or company."

International Bacon Day - August 31

Engage your audience with delicious bacon-themed recipes, feature bacon-related products, or host a virtual cook-off. 

Build a stronger community with your audience, especially those in farming and agriculture, grocery, and hospitality industries on International Bacon Day.

ChatGPT Prompt Inspo: 

"Suggest 1-2 ways [Insert your brand info/URL here] can celebrate International Bacon Day, like by hosting a virtual cook-off."

Planning Content for Social Media Holidays

Planning social media holidays is a great way to maximize your B2B brand’s content strategy potential. It can involve researching holidays that are relevant and developing a content theme or campaign around each holiday. Doing so provides cohesion and allows brand messaging to be more impactful with your audience while creating a consistent and relevant presence on social media platforms, turning these holidays into pivotal moments for brand visibility and connection.

It is important to identify which holidays resonate with your audience by analyzing their interests and values. This can be done through polls, comments, and speaking directly to your audience to find out where their interests lie. From there, your brand can craft a unified theme for each holiday, tying your messages together under a unified, cohesive narrative. 

Engaging Your Audience

Engaging your audience during social media holidays is about creating interactive and meaningful experiences. Find out relevant hashtags to increase discoverability and connect your content with broader conversations. Creating polls, quizzes, or challenges encourages active participation, making your audience feel more involved with your brand.

Collaborating with influencers or other brands can also expand your reach and introduce your message to new audiences. Lastly, encouraging user-generated content builds a sense of community and loyalty, as your audience becomes a part of your brand's story. Together, these strategies boost engagement and strengthen the relationship between your brand and its followers.

Tools for Scheduling Posts

Having the right tools for scheduling posts creates a consistent and timely presence online. Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Later offer solutions that allow businesses to plan their content calendar efficiently. These platforms enable the scheduling of posts in advance and provide valuable insights into engagement metrics, helping your brand optimize your social media strategy.

Hootsuite, Buffer, or Later

  • Hootsuite is great for teams wanting to monitor multiple streams and engage with their community directly from the dashboard.
  • Buffer excels in user-friendly scheduling and analytics, making it great for brands focused on growing their audience.
  • Later is perfect for visually-driven brands, with a strong emphasis on visual content planning and Instagram stories.

By using these tools, you can ensure your social media channels stay active, even during busy periods, to make it easier to capitalize on holiday trends and maintain engagement with your audience.

Let Us Build Engagement

Embracing social media holidays in your B2B marketing strategy can significantly enhance brand visibility, engagement, and audience connection. By carefully selecting holidays that resonate with your brand values and audience interests, developing engaging content themes, and leveraging tools for effective scheduling, you can create campaigns that stand out. 

Measuring the impact of these campaigns through engagement metrics, hashtag performance, and audience feedback is crucial for refining strategies and achieving better results over time.

Let Steel Croissant be your guide in navigating the dynamic landscape of social media holidays, ensuring your brand not only participates but thrives in these special moments throughout the year.

We’re Here To Help

Unlock the full potential of social media holidays with Steel Croissant's guidance. From crafting compelling content to optimizing your holiday posting schedule, our team is here to ensure your B2B brand shines. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your audience in meaningful ways and watch your brand's engagement soar. Contact us today and unlock the key to your B2B brand’s holiday success.


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