Every Question About SEO Answered

December 19, 2023
Everything About SEO Answered


Get beginner-friendly answers to your SEO questions in this comprehensive blog. Learn about DIY SEO, compound SEO, local SEO, and more!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) drives 1,000%+ more traffic than organic social media, and the reason for this is that almost 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine.

So, whether you run an e-commerce store or have a company website, you must rely on SEO to elevate your online presence. But if you are new to SEO or have lingering doubts, it’s normal. The changing algorithms along with the variety of information available can make anyone feel overwhelmed. 

To make it easier, we have answered all the top SEO questions so you can understand the game and improve your website’s SEO ranking. Let’s dive in! 

1. What Is Compound SEO?

Compound SEO refers to the long term, integrated approach of optimizing a website for search engines by combining various elements and strategies. Instead of focusing solely on individual aspects like keywords or backlinks, compound SEO involves a holistic strategy that considers content quality, user experience, technical optimizations, and off-site factors. 

This approach recognizes the interconnected nature of different SEO elements and emphasizes their collective impact on search engine rankings. By addressing multiple aspects concurrently, compound SEO aims to create a comprehensive and sustainable online presence that attracts search engine traffic and enhances the overall user experience, resulting in improved rankings and increased organic visibility over time.

2. How Does Local SEO Increase Profits?

46% of all searches on Google include local intent. When you incorporate local SEO, it can help your business thrive. 

Local SEO improves your business's visibility within a specific area and can even increase profits.

  • It improves visibility in local searches and optimizes your online presence for local search queries. 
  • It helps you attract targeted traffic from users who actively look for products or services in your local area. 
  • Local SEO can have a positive impact on conversion rates. 
  • Even now, some businesses aren't fully utilizing local SEO. When you invest in it, it can help you stand out. 

3. Are SEO Keywords Case Sensitive?

No. In general, SEO keywords are not case-sensitive. Search engines, like Google, typically treat uppercase and lowercase letters as equivalent when processing search queries. For example, a search for "SEO" would yield the same results as a search for "seo" or "SeO."

4. Do It Yourself SEO Software: What Is It?

With DIY software, you can tweak it to suit your individual or business needs. Some of the most popular ones include Yoast SEO, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. 

You can also use Reddit and Quora to understand the type of questions your audience asks and go from there. SEO is not just one platform or using mere keywords but a bunch of strategies.

Here are the advantages and special features DIY software offers:

  • User-Friendly Interfaces - DIY SEO software is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it accessible to individuals and small businesses without extensive technical knowledge. They often provide step-by-step guides and intuitive dashboards.
  • Cost-Effective - Using DIY SEO software is typically more affordable than hiring professional SEO services. It allows you to manage your SEO efforts within your budget.
  • Learning Opportunities - These tools often come with educational resources such as tutorials, blogs, and webinars, helping users learn and understand SEO concepts and best practices.
  • Control and Flexibility - DIY SEO software puts you in control of your SEO strategy. You can make real-time changes and adjustments to your website's optimization without relying on external agencies.
  • Keyword Research - Many DIY SEO tools offer keyword research and analysis features, helping you identify the most relevant keywords for your niche and target audience.
  • On-Page Optimization - These tools often provide on-page optimization suggestions, helping you improve your website's content, meta tags, and overall structure to enhance search engine visibility.
  • Analytics and Reporting - DIY SEO software usually includes reporting features that allow you to track your website's performance in search engine rankings, traffic, and other key metrics.
  • Local SEO - Some DIY SEO tools offer specific features for local businesses, helping them optimize for local search results and improve their visibility in their geographic area.
  • Competition Analysis - You can use these tools to analyze your competitors' websites and strategies, gaining insights into what works in your industry.

5. How Long Does It Take To Learn SEO?

The exact time to learn SEO depends on several factors, such as your prior knowledge, the time you dedicate to learning, your resources, etc. However, on average, it takes about 2 to 4 weeks to learn basic SEO, 2 to 3 months for a more in-depth understanding, and 6 months to a year for an advanced level of proficiency. 

But SEO trends are always changing, so even if you are proficient with SEO strategies, you’ll need to stay up-to-date on the latest updates. 

6. What Do You Need to Balance When Doing SEO?

Balancing SEO involves optimizing keywords and content, maintaining a user-friendly website, and managing technical aspects. You must focus on both on-page and off-page SEO efforts and strike a balance between quality and quantity of content. Consider the local and global reach of your site, mix long-term and short-term strategies, and adhere to ethical SEO practices while monitoring your budget and resources. Additionally, staying adaptable to search engine algorithm updates and being aware of your competitive landscape are crucial aspects of a successful SEO strategy. Balancing these elements ensures improved search engine visibility and user experience while providing value to your audience.

7. What Are the Most Important Parts of Technical SEO?

Technical SEO involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website to enhance its search engine visibility and performance. Several key components are crucial for effective technical SEO:

Crawlability and Indexing

  • Robots.txt - Ensure that the robots.txt file is properly configured to guide search engine crawlers on which parts of the site to crawl and which to avoid.
  • XML Sitemap - Create and submit an XML sitemap to help search engines understand the structure of your website and index its pages more efficiently.

Website Speed

  • Page Load Speed - Optimize images, use browser caching, and employ content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve overall page load speed, which is a ranking factor for search engines and contributes to a better user experience.

Mobile Optimization

  • Mobile-Friendly Design - Ensure that your website is responsive and provides a seamless experience across various devices. Google uses mobile-first indexing, giving priority to mobile-friendly websites in search results.

Site Structure

  • URL Structure - Use clear and descriptive URLs that are easy for both users and search engines to understand. Avoid using complex parameters.
  • Internal Linking - Implement a logical and well-structured internal linking system to facilitate navigation and distribute link equity throughout the site.


  • Canonical Tags - Use canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page, especially when dealing with duplicate content issues, such as variations of URLs.

Technical Markup

  • Schema Markup - Incorporate schema markup to provide search engines with additional context about the content on your pages, potentially leading to rich snippets in search results.


  • Secure Connection - Ensure your website uses a secure, encrypted connection (HTTPS), as Google considers it a ranking factor. It also helps establish trust with users.

Site Architecture

  • Hierarchy and Navigation - Design a logical site hierarchy and navigation structure, making it easy for both users and search engines to understand the organization of your content.

Technical Errors

  • 404 Pages - Regularly check for and fix broken links or 404 errors. Provide custom 404 pages with helpful information to retain users.

Structured Data

  • Rich Snippets - Implement structured data markup to provide more context to search engines about your content, potentially leading to enhanced search results.

Regularly monitoring and updating these technical SEO aspects can contribute to a well-optimized website that is more likely to perform well in search engine rankings.

8. Are Blogs Important?

Yes, high-quality blogs can enhance SEO quality and attract search engine's attention. Here, relevant content is also crucial as it improves your website authority and helps you rank on top. 

Blogging regularly offers fresh material for search engines to index, improve website authority, and enhance the chances of ranking for targeted keywords. However, you must always publish high-quality and relevant blogs. 

9. What Is an SEO Slug?

An SEO slug is an SEO-optimized URL that helps identify a specific page or post. 

For example, if the title of your blog is “Things You Must Know About Content Writing,” the slug can be “things-you-must-know-about-content-writing.”

10. What Effect Does SEO Have on Your Search?

68% of online experiences begin with search engines, and SEO can profoundly influence your online visibility and search performance. 

Implementing effective SEO strategies enhances your website's ranking on search engine results pages. Optimized content and keywords make your site more relevant to search queries and improve the likelihood of appearing at the top of results. 

This improved visibility boosts click-through rates, establishes credibility and trust with users, and drives increased organic traffic. 

11. How To Name Images for SEO?

Some of the best practices to name images for SEO include:

  • Using the already identified keywords for your images
  • Using hyphens to separate words for better readability 
  • Avoiding generic names, such as photo or image
  • Making sure you are descriptive 
  • Including Alt Text for your images

12. What Is the Biggest Advantage of Compound SEO?

Compound SEO plays a significant role in helping your website reach its fullest potential. It’s a slow paced strategy, but the results are worth it. Growth marketers focus heavily on compound SEO for the snowball effect it has on increasing website’s overall traffic. 

13. What Is SEO Rich Text?

SEO-rich text is SEO-friendly content that's optimized for search engines and appears on search engine result pages, or SERPs, under title tags and meta description. This snippet offers a context of what the audience can expect from the content.

14. What Is White Label SEO?

White-label SEO is when a company hires another individual or an agency to offer SEO services under their brand. 

For instance, let’s say you offer SEO services to your client. But if the services are provided by a contractor or another agency under your name, then this practice is white-label SEO.

15. How Many Keywords Should I Use For SEO?

You should have one or two primary keywords as well as three to four secondary keywords. The most important thing is that you can organically incorporate any keyword on your list into content that is relevant and valuable to your audience.

You should also focus on using a mix of long and short-tail keywords. Ideal keyword density should be between 0.5% to 3%.

16. What Are the Most Important Parts of Technical SEO?

Today, 46% of users are searching for information related to their location when they use the search engine. So, the answer is yes. SEO is highly valuable for small businesses. 

It improves your online visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find your products or services. With effective SEO strategies, such as local optimization and relevant keyword targeting, you can drive targeted traffic, increasing the chances of conversion. 

SEO also builds credibility and trust, as users often associate higher search rankings with reliability. So, investing in SEO for a small business is not only a cost-effective marketing solution but can also yield long-term benefits. 

17. What Is an SEO Quake?

SEO Quake is an SEO audit browser plugin that helps you analyze your page for search engine optimization in the Google index. 

It is a free plugin and provides organic search data with just a click. It can be a great tool for website analysis. 

18. How To Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts?

Here are a few points that can help you write SEO-friendly blog posts:

  • Always identify relevant keywords for the topic of your choice. You can use SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner to help you out. 
  • Make sure you include the primary keyword in the title, meta title, meta descriptions, URL, and H2s. 
  • Always format your content with H1, H2, H3, and H4. headings.
  • High-quality content is a must, and you must ensure that the keywords are naturally placed in the content and contribute to its value. 
  • Make sure you add relevant internal and external links.
  • Don't overuse keywords.

19. Why Is Having Duplicate Content an Issue for SEO?

Duplicate content is a big no-no for SEO. 

When the same content is found across multiple URLs, you lose your authority as your content is no longer unique. This can adversely impact your search engine rankings. 

Duplicate content can lead to keyword cannibalization, where multiple pages are competing for the same keywords, and there can be strict penalties from search engines. It can even lead to your content being scrapped. 

20. How Do SEO and AdWords Work Together?

SEO and AdWords can work together for long-term value. With AdWords, the results are immediate, and it helps bring in a surge of traffic to your website. 

However, once your campaign ends, it's the SEO-friendly content that helps retain the audience. 

While SEO focuses on organic search visibility, AdWords allows for paid advertising.

21. Where To Put SEO Keywords in Shopify?

In Shopify, you can strategically use SEO keywords in:

  • Product Titles and Descriptions - Keep them clear and informative.
  • URLs - Ensure they're SEO-friendly and user-friendly.
  • Meta Titles and Descriptions - Include keywords for search results.
  • Header Tags - Use keywords in headings (H1, H2).
  • Image Alt Text - Add descriptive alt text with keywords.
  • Content - Create keyword-rich content on pages and blogs.
  • Collections - Use keywords in collection titles and descriptions.
  • Navigation Menus - Organize menus with keywords.
  • Footer - Include keywords in footer links and content.
  • Reviews and User-Generated Content - Encourage keyword-rich reviews.
  • Structured Data Markup (Schema) - Implement schema for better understanding.
  • XML Sitemap - Submit it to search engines via Google Search Console.
  • Mobile and Page Speed - Ensure mobile optimization and fast loading times.

Balancing SEO and user experience is crucial for Shopify success.

22. What Is the Golden Rule of SEO?

The Golden Rule of SEO is essentially to create and optimize content for users, not just for search engines. In other words, the primary focus should be on providing valuable, relevant, and high-quality content that meets the needs and interests of your target audience. While it's important to consider and implement SEO best practices such as using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags, and improving technical aspects of a website, these efforts should ultimately enhance the user experience.

23. Is SEO a One-Time Thing?

No. SEO is never a one-time thing but an ongoing effort that ensures a compounding effect, supporting your business 24/7 when you continuously engage with the search engine algorithms. Therefore, in order to maintain your brand visibility, it is imperative to implement the best strategies and tweak them as you go. 

24. Do SEO Keywords Need To Be Exact?

Search engines today are clever, so the keywords don't have to be exact. You can use variations and even synonyms. It has become easier than ever to create high-quality content while naturally inserting keywords. 

25. How To Write Product Descriptions for SEO?

There are several things you can do to write SEO-friendly product descriptions, including:

  • Write with your target audience in mind
  • Highlight the benefits and features of your product
  • Target the right SEO keywords for that product
  • Place the keywords strategically and naturally
  • Make sure all your product descriptions are unique

26. Is ChatGPT Bad for SEO?

Using ChatGPT or similar AI-generated content is not inherently bad for SEO, as long as the content produced is recent, relevant, high-quality, and adds value to users. 

Google's algorithms are designed to prioritize content that meets the needs and interests of searchers, and they do not penalize websites solely for using AI-generated content. Google evaluates content based on various factors, including relevance, quality, authority, and user experience. As long as AI-generated content aligns with these criteria, it can still contribute positively to your website's SEO.

27. Do Tags on Shopify Help With SEO?

Unfortunately, Shopify tags don't help with SEO as search engines don't crawl them and they don't rank on Google's SERPs. That said, you can make use of these tags as keywords for your web content, blogs, meta titles, product descriptions, and more. 

Final Thoughts 

Mastering SEO is instrumental for online success. From the basics to algorithm nuances this article addresses to key FAQs. Navigating the dynamic SEO landscape requires continual adaptation. Looking for more expert guidance? Steel Croissant is always at the forefront of SEO marketing and strategy. We’re dedicated to guiding businesses through the SEO landscape while optimizing their online presence for lasting success. Contact us for a free consultation.


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