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How To Leverage Artificial Intelligence in 2025

October 10, 2024
AI in 2025


AI Technology can benefit your team members by eliminating tedious tasks, reallocating resources, improving overall performance, cutting costs, and more.

Leveraging AI in 2025

Artificial intelligence has come a long way since it first appeared on the tech scene  several years ago. Today, AI is a sophisticated technology transforming businesses in remarkable ways. It solves problems, analyzes data, and can make decisions similar to (and sometimes even better than) humans.

No wonder AI continues to become a buzzword in 2025's business sphere! Progressive businesses are using it in all kinds of ways, from improving customer support and creating high quality content to analyzing big data and enhancing network security.

We’ve  prepared this post to address your doubts about AI, as well as provide answers to your burning questions. It highlights the merits and demerits of AI and sheds light on how your business teams can take advantage of AI in 2025.

The Potential Benefits of AI

An illustration of a smiling robot listing the "Potential Benefits" of AI. They include "saving time and money, improved decision-making, reduced human error, better consumer insights, and reduced security threats."

How can businesses take advantage of artificial intelligence? AI is notable for one main advantage — it automates tedious, manual processes. Your team can use it to streamline customer support, fraud detection, data entry, and quality control.

Other potential merits of using AI in 2025 include:

Saving Time and Money

AI executes manual tasks in record time. For instance, AI chatbots respond to simple and repetitive customer queries in seconds. The quick responses reduce wait times and improve customer satisfaction.

AI saves not only time but also reduces operational costs. Juniper Research indicates that by using AI, you can save up to $8 billion annually. The saved costs result from AI's ability to minimize manual work, prevent fraud, and speed up processes.

Improved Decision-Making

AI software analyzes large data volumes with great accuracy. The incredible analytic power can help your business identify opportunities, utilize resources appropriately, and plan for the future. Without AI, it would be difficult or impossible for humans to analyze big data.

Likewise, some AI prototypes can forecast future outcomes like economic downturns and technological shifts. Again, the predictions help your teams make plans to stay resilient in challenging economic times.

Reduced Human Error

Unlike humans, AI neither loses focus nor gets burnout when doing tasks. Thus, it is suitable for error-prone tasks like invoicing and data entry. Humans can easily make blunders handling such tasks.

On the other hand, AI reduces human error by analyzing large amounts of data with reasonable accuracy. It is around 95% accurate — note that the accuracy depends on the AI tool you use. With accuracy, your team can count on AI when making decisions from data.

Better Consumer Insights

AI algorithms analyze big data to identify consumer trends that are not obvious to human analysts. As a result, AI comes in handy when trying to understand your target customers' behavior and preferences. It gives your business an edge over rivals using less sophisticated technology.

Offer Hyper-Personization

Through rapid data collection, identifying trends, user behavior, and user history, AI can effectively create content that is hyper-personalized and customized to predict what consumers want.

Reduced Security Threats

AI security systems are trained to monitor systems for unusual patterns that point to fraud. For instance, security systems can detect attempts to access a network from an unusual location. In response, the system blocks access and alerts network administrators.

Likewise, your businesses can use AI to identify weak passwords that are more likely to be hacked. After that, intelligent security systems direct users to use stronger, hard-to-guess passwords.

Potential Limitations of AI

An illustration of a frowning robot listing the "Potential Limitations" of AI. They include "lack of authenticity and creativity, AI machines rely on existing information, AI is a threat to some careers, AI is expensive, AI disrupts current workflows, and the output of AI depends on data quality"

While AI automates tasks with excellent reliability, it has limitations. For instance, AI cannot yet understand the context as a human can. Hence, your business cannot rely on it to make nuanced decisions. Other common limitations of AI include the following:

Lack of Authenticity and Creativity

AI systems lack the creativity and authenticity of humans. Instead of thinking autonomously, AI systems rely on predetermined rules and procedures to churn content, analyze data, or make decisions. The quality of AI output depends on the predetermined rules and procedures.

AI Machines Rely on Existing Information

AI systems, like those used in content creation, lack their own brainpower. Instead, they rely on the information available online to generate new content. Thus, your business cannot use AI to create content around new topics unless it already exists.

AI Is a Threat to Some Careers

AI can disrupt many careers, including content creation, data analysis, and UX design. According to Forbes,artificial intelligence will replace over 85 million workers by 2025. On the flip side, AI will create over 97 million opportunities for AI engineers and data scientists.

AI Is Expensive

Developing and implementing AI systems requires significant resources. You need to hire AI engineers and data scientists and invest in hardware and software infrastructure. You will also invest in systems to collect and store large amounts of data for AI training.

AI Disrupts Current Workflows

AI will likely disrupt usual workflows by automating certain tasks or processes. For instance, with AI, customer support staff will focus on technical customer queries. AI bots will handle simple customer queries, data entry, and customer routing.

The Output of AI Depends on Data Quality

The quality of AI data analytics depends on the quality of data you feed it. The more accurate and relevant the data, the more reliable the insights you get. Conversely, you get a compromised output if you provide an AI system with incomplete or flawed data.

(Need help generating data from scratch? Steel Croissant can help digitally transform your organization into a data-driven company.)

How Your Marketing Team Can Leverage AI in 2025

An illustration of a smiling robot and a human shaking hands.

Marketing teams develop strategies to promote a company's products. They research target markets, identify effective marketing channels, and create marketing materials. Furthermore, marketers nurture relationships with customers and stakeholders.

In today's fast-paced business environment, marketing teams continually look for better tactics to stay ahead of the competition. Not surprisingly, artificial intelligence has stood out as one of the most sought-after technologies in the marketing sphere.

In 2021, a Statista publication reported that companies spent around $15.84 billion on AI marketing. And by2028, this figure is set to reach up to $107.5 billion. Here are a few reasons marketing teams are investing more and more in AI.

  • Personalization - AI helps marketing teams analyze customer preferences and behaviors throughout the sales funnel. The in-depth analysis helps businesses draft marketing strategies that deliver higher conversion rates.
  • Automation - With AI, businesses can automate data analysis, UX design, and content creation. The automation frees up time and resources, letting marketers focus on more strategic activities.
  • Insights - AI analyzes large data volumes to recognize patterns that would be difficult for humans to spot. Marketing teams use the insights to craft winning marketing strategies, a prerequisite for increased competitiveness.
  • Customer service - AI is an excellent way to improve customer service. It delivers instant responses to common inquiries, reducing wait times. It can also provide personalized recommendations to customers.

Applications for AI in Marketing

There are several ways marketing teams can leverage AI in 2025. For example, they can use it to analyze data, speed up content creation, or do ad targeting. But, if you wish to narrow it down to a few uses, focus on the following:

Data Analytics

Marketing teams collect plenty of data daily, but  most of the data goes to waste. So why is that the case? Data scientists can hardly analyze the large volumes streaming into databases. That is where artificial intelligence comes in handy.

Different from humans, AI analyzes large data volumes in real time. The robust data analysis power helps you understand your customers better than your rivals. The analysis also generates insights that can help make marketing strategies that convert well.

In  2025, your marketing team should leverage AI in the following areas:

  • Lead scoring - Use AI to analyze a lead's behavior and assign a score based on their likelihood of buying. The analysis will help your sales teams prioritize their efforts on the most promising leads.
  • Sales forecasting - In 2025, your business can use AI to make future predictions on sales based on past sales history and market trends. The projections will help you seize opportunities and prepare for challenges earlier than rivals.
  • Deal velocity - Your marketing team can use AI to analyze data about deals in progress. The data could include information about the customer, salesperson, and stage of the sales process. The analysis will help you gauge the effectiveness of your sales efforts.
  • Drop-off rates - In 2025, you can use AI algorithms to analyze customers' interactions with the company's website or app. The scrutiny will help identify and fix mishaps contributing to high drop-off rates.

Content Writing

Content writing is one of the most common uses of AI. The novel technology can produce quality blogs, copy, and descriptions in just a few minutes. It’s great for marketing teams that generate large quantities of content or need ideas to work off of.

What's more, anyone with basic content creation knowledge can create good AI content. They just need to use the following tips as a benchmark:

  • Create very detailed briefs to get the best out of AI content generators
  • Run the content through a plagiarism checker to drop copied sections
  • Use AI to automate simple, non-technical content like customer requests and FAQs

How DevOps Teams Can Leverage AI in 2025

DevOps engineers design and maintain the infrastructure that supports the development of software. Their responsibilities include setting up and configuring servers, automating processes, and monitoring systems. DevOps also collaborates with software developers to test, deploy, and debug codes.

Why Should DevOps Take Advantage of AI?

Artificial intelligence is a valuable tool for DevOps teams for several reasons. It automates tasks, improves efficiency, and reduces workloads. Here are specific ways in which AI benefits your DevOps teams.

  • Automation - DevOps can use AI to automate routine tasks such as monitoring systems. The automation frees team members, letting them focus on complex chores that need attention.
  • Reduced workload - By automating specific DevOps tasks, AI can reduce DeVops' workload and improve overall productivity. AI can even reduce the need to add more DevOps to your team.
  • Enhanced security - AI can monitor systems and identify potential security threats. Furthermore, AI can prevent suspicious activities that can potentially lead to security breaches.

How Can a DevOps Team Take Advantage of Artificial Intelligence?

DevOps can leverage AI in many ways, from data analysis and workflow optimization to predictive maintenance. Some of the top ways to use this novel technology in 2025 and the coming years include:

AI Monitoring Tools

DevOps can use AI to make tools that monitor systems and send alerts in case of a glitch. The tools analyze data from various sources, such as log files, performance metrics, and application logs, to identify patterns that point to a possible issue.

The AI monitoring tools trigger an alert to notify DevOps teams upon detecting an issue. The alerts help DevOps teams to respond quickly, reducing costly downtimes.

AI Code Testing Tools

DevOps can also use artificial intelligence to create testing tools that analyze codes to identify potential issues. The AI testing tools help DevOps teams detect and fix problems early before they become more challenging to address.

AI Automate Tasks

How can a DevOps team take advantage of artificial intelligence? DevOps teams can use artificial intelligence to automate certain tasks that are time-consuming or repetitive. For example, AI can automatically deploy or test code changes for regressions.

Data Aggregation

DevOps teams can use AI to collect data from various sources and bring it together into a centralized location. The process, known as data aggregation, helps DevOps access valuable information quickly.

How Your UX Team Can Leverage AI in 2025

UX designers improve the intuitiveness of a product or service. They usually focus on websites and apps. UX designers' scope of work includes conducting user research, creating prototypes, and testing designs to ensure they are intuitive.

Why UX Designers Should Take Advantage of AI

From improving efficiency to gaining insights into user behavior, AI is a treasure for UX designers. They can use it to customize websites, apps, or any other product in a way that offers the best-in-class experience. Besides customizing user interfaces, UX designers can take advantage of AI to:

  • Save tons of valuable time - AI automates manual tasks and processes, saving you more time for strategic work. AI systems can handle manual tasks as effectively as human UX designers.
  • Boost team efficiency - By automating various tasks and processes, AI reduces employee workload. As a result, your team will work more efficiently without compromising quality.
  • Create more time for creativity - Since AI speeds up work, your UX design team gets more time to develop new design concepts.

How UX Designers can Leverage AI in 2025

There are endless ways in which UX designers can leverage AI in 2025. Mainly, the designers can use this novel technology to automate services, saving time and money. Besides automation, your UX designers can leverage AI on:

Predictive Analytics

As a UX designer, you can use AI to predict how users will interact with your product or service. For example, you could use predictive analytics to anticipate user behavior and design your interface according to expected behavior.

Making Life Easier

AI makes the life of UX designers easy in a couple of ways. For example, AI algorithms can learn to crop, resize, or color images. Additionally, automation reduces the workload of EX designers, making them more productive.


AI tools can use flowcharts to generate wireframe designs following predefined guidelines. For example, an AI tool can create a wireframe for an e-Commerce store following a predefined procedure like "Homepage" -> "Product Categories" -> "Product Page" -> "Add To Cart" -> "Checkout." Once the AI generates the wireframe, UX designers can review and improve it.

How Your Project Management Team Can Leverage AI in 2025

Project managers plan, coordinate, and oversee the execution of a project. The managers define the project's scope, set goals, and develop strategies to achieve set project goals. Moreover, they ensure that a project is completed within budget and to the required standards.

Why Project Managers Should Take Advantage of AI

Project managers can use AI to automate certain tasks like tracking project progress and identifying potential bottlenecks. The automation helps speed up projects, saving tons of time and resources.

Another advantage of using AI in project management is the potential to reduce costs. AI can identify inefficiency and waste areas and suggest ways to improve them, thus  improving the overall financial performance of a project.

In addition to saving time and reducing costs, AI can improve resource allocation. Its algorithms can suggest the most effective ways to spend time, energy, etc, ensuring that these resources are being used in the most effective way possible.

How Project Managers Can Leverage AI in 2025

Project managers, like UX designers and DevOps, can leverage AI in various ways. They can use AI to analyze data from past projects and make predictions about future project outcomes. Besides predicting the outcomes of an existing project, project managers can use AI to:

Predict Project Delivery Dates

Your project management team can use AI to predict project delivery dates. The systems make near-accurate estimates based on the amount of work, the skill level of the team, and other relevant factors.

In addition to predicting project delivery dates, AI can forecast problems and delays in project delivery. This information can help your team make modifications to avoid delays and other project issues.

Improve Team Efficiency

In 2025, your project management team can leverage AI to improve efficiency. How? The project managers can use AI to automate routine tasks and free up time for more critical work. For example, a project manager could use AI to generate reports or update project progress.

Your team can use the saved time on higher-value tasks like managing team performance and solving problems.

Automatic Resource Scheduling

Project managers can use AI to optimize the allocation of resources in two primary ways:

  1. AI algorithms analyze historical data on resource utilization to forecast future resource needs. The projection helps project managers anticipate resource shortages or surpluses and adjust accordingly.
  2. AI algorithms can analyze resource availability, skills, and capacity. Afterward, the algorithms can identify the most efficient way to allocate resources. This can help project managers to minimize waste and ensure that resources are used effectively.

The Best AI Tools for 2025

So now that covered why and how teams are using artificial intelligence - it would be rude of us not to share some of the not-to-be-missed AI tools for 2025. 

ChatGPT: This tool has very rapidly become the golden child of AI. And that’s because it’s so useful for a wide range of business uses from writing code for DevOps teams to research planning for UX teams.

For marketing, it’s being used by millions everyday for tasks including copywriting, content idea  generation, customer support, marketing research and more. It truly is a marketers best friend, if used well. Check out our blog on how marketers can get the most out of ChatGPT in 2025.

WriteSonic: From building smarter AI chatbots for your site with no-code integration and multi-lingual support to writing captivating copy in seconds - WriteSonic’s popularity with marketing teams shows no sign of slowing down. 

BotSonic: This AI chatbot builder is also no-code, allowing businesses to build conversation chat bots the fit your B2B business' needs.

Fliki: Fliki a superb AI marketing solution, simplifying the process for businesses to craft compelling and educational video content to serve their diverse marketing needs. The tool seamlessly integrates text-to-video and text-to-speech functions, offering users the convenience of producing high-quality videos with professional voiceovers within a single platform.

Surfer: One for the SEO experts. Surfer is an easy-to-use AI online tool  designed to optimize copy to ultimately enhance visibility and increasing ranking. It’s created for more technical SEO, empowering users to fully audit existing copy and compare it with the competition.

The Bottom Line

Although AI is yet to start replacing professions, it is a threat to some experts like UX designers and content creators. For now, it can generate quality content that needs minimal edits, or even design websites to match consumer preferences and can actually help people work more efficiently and productively. But hey, that’s definitely not to say that jobs are being replaced. AI may be proving to be extremly valuable in some aspects, but it’s still lacks human creativity and emotional intelligence. 

But with the ability for  mundane tasks to be overtaken by machinery, your attention can be put elsewhere. In 2025, your business can use AI to boost productivity and speed up manual processes like content creation.

Contact our marketing team to learn more about how you can take advantage of AI in 2025!


How much time does it take to complete the SEO course?

The program requires a three month commitment. The course consists of two-hour weekly working sessions and webinars that are tailored to provide hands-on experience in applying the concepts learned during the course. In addition to the scheduled sessions, participants are expected to commit additional time to applying the techniques to their own site.

What Will the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Look Like in 2025 and How Will It Evolve?

In 2024, the AI landscape will evolve significantly, witnessing advancements in natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning. AI technologies are now more integrated into various industries, driving innovation and efficiency. From personalized customer experiences to autonomous systems, the applications of AI will continue to expand, shaping the future of technology.

How Can Businesses Effectively Integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) Into Their Operations in 2025?

Businesses can effectively integrate AI into their operations by first identifying areas where AI can bring value, such as automating routine tasks, enhancing data analytics, or improving customer interactions. Adopting AI-powered tools and platforms, leveraging cloud-based AI services, and investing in employee training for AI adoption are crucial steps. Collaboration with AI experts and staying updated on emerging AI trends are also essential for successful integration in 2025.

What Are the Key Benefits of Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business in 2025?

The benefits of leveraging AI for businesses in 2025 are diverse and impactful. AI enhances operational efficiency, automates time-consuming tasks, and provides valuable insights through advanced analytics. Improved decision-making, personalized customer experiences, and increased productivity are among the key advantages. AI-driven innovations also contribute to staying competitive in dynamic markets and fostering continuous growth.

What Challenges and Considerations Should Businesses Be Aware of When Implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2025?

Implementing AI in 2025 comes with challenges, including ethical considerations, data privacy concerns, and the need for transparent AI algorithms. Businesses must also address potential job displacement and ensure responsible AI practices. Strategizing for a smooth transition, emphasizing ethical AI principles, and maintaining open communication with stakeholders are critical in overcoming challenges associated with AI implementation.

Are There Emerging Trends or Technologies Within Artificial Intelligence (AI) That Businesses Should Watch in 2025?

Yes, businesses should keep an eye on emerging trends and technologies within AI in 2025. These may include advancements in AI ethics and responsible AI practices, the rise of AI-powered cybersecurity solutions, and increased integration of AI in edge computing. Exploring applications of AI in new domains, such as healthcare and sustainable technologies, can also unveil opportunities for innovation and growth in the coming years. Staying informed about these trends positions businesses to harness the full potential of AI in 2025.

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