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2024 B2B Buyer Trends & Bold Predictions for 2025

October 3, 2025
image of a graph showing B2B Buyer trends on the up


As we enter 2025, it's time to start thinking about your B2B buyer journey strategy for next year. Step one is understanding what your customers want.

2024 has been a transformative year for B2B businesses, reshaping buyer engagement, content creation, and decision-making. As we move into 2025, adopting strategies like using AI tools and creating hyper-personalized content will become increasingly important. Buyers have begun expecting that content, products, and research are all refined and cater to their needs. You can expect trends like these to gain even more momentum, further shaping the future of B2B marketing. Let’s explore the trends that will continue to grow and influence the industry in the year ahead!

Inbound-Led Outbound Marketing

Traditionally, inbound marketing, such as content marketing, SEO, and organic social media, focused on attracting potential buyers through content they could engage with and find valuable. On the other hand, outbound marketing relied on proactive strategies like email newsletters, cold calling, and LinkedIn outreach. In 2024, integrating inbound and outbound marketing became a game-changer for B2B brands. 

Now, the distinction between them continues to blur. Tools like RB2B and Warmly are reshaping outbound and inbound marketing strategies by blending the best techniques from both. 

Platforms like these allow sales teams to create:

  • Personalized outreach that uses data-driven insights to connect with potential clients
  • Effective bridges between inbound engagement and outbound conversion

By integrating inbound insights into outbound efforts, sales and marketing teams foster deeper relationships, turning cold outreach into a more strategic, personalized experience.

AI Automation and Hyper-Personalization

Using AI to hyper-personalize content has continued to expand rapidly throughout 2024, and there is no sign of it stopping in the near future. By 2025, we predict AI-driven marketing interactions will dominate B2B business. AI is used to create buyer personas, tailor messaging and ads, and give recommendations based on real-time data from buyers. There is no better time to give buyers exactly what they are looking for.

AI helps companies adapt content and outreach based on the following:

  • Purchase stages of the customer journey
  • Buyer personas and industries
  • Behavioral triggers and real-time analytics

B2B buyers are increasingly expecting brands to use AI even to automate. By 2025, B2B brands that don’t use AI tools to hyper-personalize content may fall behind in the world of AI automation. Buyers expect a fully customized, data-driven experience at every step of the buying process.

Voice Searches and Conversational Queries

The integration of conversational queries and marketing has completely reinvented how B2B buyers interact with search engines and AI tools. Searches using keywords and unnatural, robotic language and browsing through pages of links until they can find the right content are not how buyers expect to purchase online any longer. They expect to ask questions and receive direct answers in the same way they would ask their coworker for the time. Chatbots like Siri and voice search tools allow users to skip the work of sifting through articles and irrelevant links for information; they ask what they want and expect direct results.

The rise of tools like SearchGPT, designed to accommodate long-form, conversational questions, is paving the way for this new kind of search behavior. By 2025, B2B buyers will expect:

  • AI adaptation and search engine optimization to address their specific phrasing and context
  • Conversational AI tools that mimic human interactions
  • Direct, straightforward answers that avoid unnecessary complexity

Brands that optimize for conversational searches will improve SEO and enhance customer satisfaction by offering a faster, more intuitive experience.

A Human Touch Within the Digital Buying Process

Despite the rise of digital self-service platforms, B2B buyers still value human interaction, especially for complex purchases or high-stakes decisions. 2024 saw companies look for a balance between digital convenience and meaningful human engagement. A recent study found that 86% of buyers expect a self-service option, but 80% still want more human interactions. A hybrid approach makes buyers feel supported throughout their journey.

Key moments where the human touch still matters most are:

  • Consultative sales for complex product offerings
  • Customer support is provided during purchases, especially those of high value or that are more technical or specific
  • Relationship-building touchpoints that foster trust and long-term loyalty

By 2025, B2B companies must refine this blend of automation and human interaction, providing both self-service options and expert human assistance at the right moments. Trust-building through human touchpoints will remain essential for customer satisfaction and closing deals.

Sustainability as a Top Priority for B2B Buyers

Sustainability continues its move to the forefront of buyers’ priorities in 2024, and this trend will only strengthen in 2025. As knowledge of the environmental impact of a B2B buyer’s purchasing decisions grows more accessible, buyers will increasingly seek partners who share their commitment to being eco-friendly. 85% of people have shifted their purchasing behavior to be more sustainable. In many cases, sustainability is now as important to buyers as price or product features.

By 2025, B2B buyers will expect:

  • Sustainable products and services from all suppliers
  • Transparency in business practices, including ethical sourcing and eco-friendly distribution
  • Clear, verifiable commitments to reducing carbon footprints and improving environmental impact

Companies that lead with sustainability in marketing and operations will have a competitive edge. An open approach to sustainability will improve organic rankings and foster trust with increasingly eco-conscious buyers.

Multi-Platform Search Capabilities

B2B buyers no longer only rely on Google to do their research. In 2024, multi-platform search became a rising trend, with buyers frequently turning to platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and reviews like those available on Amazon to gather information. By 2025, B2B brands will need to have their SEO strategies tailored to accommodate this method of doing research.

Key platforms for B2B searches include:

  • LinkedIn - Buyers rely on professional networks and recommendations to vet companies and content
  • YouTube - Review videos, product demos, and thought leadership content are used to gather information on particular products or businesses
  • Specialized industry platforms - Niche platforms like Capterra play a guiding role in the B2B decision-making process

Adapting SEO for multi-platform search is essential for increasing visibility, building brand authority, and capturing attention across a broader range of buyer touchpoints.

Algorithm Transparency and Control

With the rise of AI-generated content, buyers have begun demanding greater transparency in how algorithms influence their searches and content recommendations. AI generation and algorithms have become more integral to sales and marketing. By 2025, we predict the demand for transparency will become a defining factor for businesses wanting to build trust and maintain confidence with their buyers.

What buyers will expect:

  • Clarity on how search algorithms shape the content they see
  • Customizable options for managing which algorithms influence their profiles
  • Emphasis on privacy, accuracy, and personalization in search results

Brands offering transparency and giving buyers more control over how algorithms impact their experience will differentiate themselves and build stronger relationships.

Increasing Role of Data Privacy and Security

Data privacy has become a critical issue for B2B buyers in 2024, and by 2025, it will be non-negotiable. As industries like healthcare, finance, and technology focus on the secure handling of sensitive information, B2B brands will need to demonstrate the effectiveness of their data privacy practices to win buyers’ trust.

What buyers expect companies to prioritize:

  • Comprehensive data privacy policies and practices
  • Transparency about data usage and storage
  • Enhanced security measures to protect customer data

These practices build trust and mitigate risks, which is the goal of data security for B2B businesses. Especially for buyers who need to comply with stringent regulations or are in high-stakes industries, privacy is paramount.

Demand for Transparency in Pricing

The days of hidden fees and complex pricing structures are fading as B2B buyers demand greater pricing transparency. Businesses that provide precise, upfront pricing models will gain a competitive edge in 2025 by demonstrating to buyers their understanding of what buyers want and building trust.

Buyers will expect:

  • Simple, transparent pricing models
  • Clear breakdowns of costs and no hidden fees
  • Flexibility in pricing structures, such as tiered plans or pay-as-you-go models

Transparent pricing fosters trust, improves customer loyalty, and reduces the frustration that can come with B2B buying decisions.

Looking Ahead at the Future of B2B Buyer Behavior

As we move into 2025, the B2B landscape will continue to evolve with a stronger focus on data-driven insights, personalized experiences, and sustainable practices. The trends we've seen in 2024, from inbound-led outbound marketing to the rise of AI automation, are only the beginning. 

B2B buyers are seeking more control over their purchasing journeys, from the transparency of algorithms to clear pricing models, and they expect faster, more personalized experiences at every touchpoint. Brands that can keep pace with these shifts while maintaining a balance between technology and human connection will be the ones leading the charge in 2025.

At Steel Croissant, we help B2B businesses adapt to these changes by crafting marketing strategies that align with the most current trends. Whether optimizing your presence on multi-platform searches, enhancing your buyer’s journey with AI-driven personalization, or ensuring your brand positions itself as a leader in sustainability, we’re here to ensure that your marketing efforts are cutting-edge. 

Our team understands the challenges of B2B marketing in today’s digital age and can help you harness the power of these trends to grow your business, build buyer trust, and thrive in the competitive landscape of 2025. Reach out to us today, and together, we’ll prepare your business for the future, one successful strategy at a time.


What Were the Key B2B Buyer Trends in 2024?

In 2024, B2B buyers wanted more transparency in all aspects of buying, AI optimization, hyper-personalization, and multi-platform capabilities. All with a little human touch.

How Can Businesses Prepare for the Shifting Landscape of B2B Buying in 2024?

Businesses can prepare for the evolving B2B buying landscape by embracing the B2B buying trends of 2024. Being adaptable to the ever-changing landscape of the B2B market is a great approach to carry into 2025.

How can B2B companies leverage AI-driven content strategies?

B2B companies can use AI-driven content strategies to analyze customer data and preferences, enabling the creation of targeted content. This approach enhances engagement and conversion rates by delivering more relevant content to potential clients.

How Can Businesses Adapt Their Digital Marketing Content Strategy to Changing Consumer Behaviors in 2025?

Businesses can adapt to changing consumer behaviors by regularly analyzing consumer data, monitoring trends, and actively seeking feedback. Emphasizing personalized and value-driven content, optimizing for mobile experiences, and fostering real-time engagement are strategies that align with evolving consumer expectations. By remaining agile and responsive, businesses can ensure their digital marketing content strategy effectively meets the dynamic needs of their audience.

How does AI contribute to the personalization of content in marketing?

AI contributes to content personalization by analyzing user behavior and preferences to deliver tailored content. This ensures audiences receive relevant and engaging material, significantly boosting marketing effectiveness

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