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TikTok shares key 2023 tips for marketers, Twitter to introduce longer tweets, 20% of media buyers investing in the Metaverse, plus we share our year in numbers!

December 22, 2022
Happy New Year


Hitting the B2B marketing news headlines this week: TikTok shares key 2023 tips for marketers, Twitter to introduce longer tweets, 20% of media buyers investing in the Metaverse, plus we share our year in numbers!

Hitting the B2B marketing news headlines this week: TikTok shares key 2023 tips for marketers, Twitter to introduce longer tweets, 20% of media buyers investing in the Metaverse, plus we share our year in numbers!

It’s been a pretty great year for us as an agency and as we near closer to the end of the year, we wanted to reflect and share some of the standout numbers that make us the proudest. Of course, we couldn’t have done this without our fantastic community, clients, and team members. So here’s to a wonderful 2022 and an even greater year ahead🥂

Steel Croissant Venturing into AI

Okay, last thing about us, we promise! We’re working on building an AI-based Marketing Tool and would love your feedback. If you’d like to participate in our research, we’ll offer you FREE lifetime access to the product. Simply send and an email saying, ‘Count me in!’ and we’ll add you to the list. 

Now back to our last B2B marketing news bulletin of the year!

TikTok Shares Key Tips for Marketers in its 2023 ‘What’s Next’ Report

TikTok has published its 2023 ‘What’s Next’ report, which looks at the key shifts that the video platform is seeing from a marketing perspective. The report provides useful insights for b2b brands, including how to keep your messaging in line with how people are using the app in order to better connect with the TikTok audience. Get the full report here.

Twitter to Increase Character Limit to 4,000

Another element of Elon Musk’s ‘Twitter 2.0’ reformation plan is giving users more capacity to share longer posts. Recently, Twitter designer, Andrea Conway, shared some mock-ups of how longer tweets may look in-stream, and how the process could work, if the idea comes to fruition. Take a look at these here.

20% Of Media Buyers Report Investing In The Metaverse

While the enormous hype around the Metaverse may have quieted down a little, recent reports show that it’s front-of-mind for many B2B marketers.  According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s 2023 outlook survey, 20% of brand and agency media decision-makers are already investing in the metaverse for marketing in some shape or form, and another 36% are considering such investments. Read more.

Blogs to include:

How to Create Content Related to Search Intent

The intersection of SEO and content marketing means creating content based on your target audience's search intent - the term used to describe the purpose of an online search. In our latest blog, we explain how to build a content strategy with search intent as its foundation:

How To Create a Sales Enablement Strategy To Improve the Sales Process

In today's business landscape, your sales team is probably operating remotely and connecting with prospective customers digitally. This calls for an update to your sales enablement strategy. We teach you everything you need to know in our latest blog:

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year everyone! We can’t wait to bring you more news and updates in 2023.

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