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YouTube to let advertisers target podcast listeners, Twitter tests audio chat in Communities, Google on how to write exceptional alt text, and more

October 20, 2022
graphical user interface, application


Hitting the B2B marketing news headlines this week: YouTube to let advertisers target podcast listeners, Twitter tests audio chat in Communities, Google on how to write exceptional alt text, and more. Keep reading to get the lowdown!

Hitting the B2B marketing news headlines this week: YouTube to let advertisers target podcast listeners, Twitter tests audio chat in Communities, Google on how to write exceptional alt text, and more. Keep reading to get the lowdown!

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Twitter Launches Initial Test of Audio Chats Within Communities

In a bid to further ramp up community engagement on the app, Twitter has announced it will be launching a new test to enable Communities admins to create dedicated audio Spaces within their groups. According to Twitter, live audio conversations specific to a Community will “add an extra layer of personality and connectivity beyond 280 characters. Community admins will be able to better lead their Communities, engage their members, and participate in quality conversations with others who share the same interests.” This new feature is currently being tested with select admins and moderators in the U.S. Read more.

Google On How to Write Good Alt Text

A recent “Google Search Off the Record” podcast shared expert advice on writing exceptional alt text. The episode explored the need to balance the needs of SEO with using alt text correctly for the purpose of accessibility. Topics discussed include tips to help listeners understand the topic of accessibility and alt text, how SEO comes into play and the importance of providing context for an image, things to avoid when writing alt text, common mistakes marketers make, and more. Listen here.

A fifth of B2B marketers say proving effectiveness is their ‘biggest challenge’

According to a recent study from LinkedIn, 21% of B2B marketers worldwide say that measuring campaign performance and demonstrating the return on investment (ROI) of marketing expenditure is their top concern. Of the marketers who also reported having their budgets impacted recently, around three in 10 say the business they work for does not understand B2B marketing ROI. This suggests there is a strong need for more education around marketing effectiveness so the true value that B2B marketers deliver is clearly understood. Read more.

YouTube to Let Advertisers Target Podcast Listeners

In the most recent phase of its podcasting initiatives, Google-owned YouTube will roll out audio ads globally, allowing brands and marketers to target customers listening to and watching podcasts on the social channel. During Monday’s Advertising Week event, it was announced that advertisers will now be able to launch 30-second ad spots on videos, up from the 15-second spots it previously offered. Adding to this is the news that advertisers in the U.S. will also have the option to target ads based on podcast genres, such as sports, comedy, news, society and culture. Read more.

Facebook says Bye-Bye to Instant Articles

It seems like Facebook really is doing the most to reform itself in order to cater to the modern users’ preferences. It’s been announced that the platform will be retiring the ‘Instant Articles’ feature from April next year. First launched in 2015, Instant Articles were designed to provide publishers with an engaging, fast-loading way to share and present articles on the app. Zuckerberg has noted recently that video viewing makes up 50% of time spent on Facebook, with Reels being the fastest-growing content format. This latest news further highlights the platform’s shift towards favoring video content, in response to consumer consumption trends. Read more.

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YouTube to Let Advertisers Target Podcast Listeners

In the most recent phase of its podcasting initiatives, Google-owned YouTube will roll out audio ads globally, allowing brands and marketers to target customers listening to and watching podcasts on the social channel. During Monday’s Advertising Week event, it was announced that advertisers will now be able to launch 30-second ad spots on videos, up from the 15-second spots it previously offered. Adding to this is the news that advertisers in the U.S. will also have the option to target ads based on podcast genres, such as sports, comedy, news, society and culture. Read more.

Twitter Launches Initial Test of Audio Chats Within Communities

In a bid to further ramp up community engagement on the app, Twitter has announced it will be launching a new test to enable Communities admins to create dedicated audio Spaces within their groups. According to Twitter, live audio conversations specific to a Community will “add an extra layer of personality and connectivity beyond 280 characters. Community admins will be able to better lead their Communities, engage their members, and participate in quality conversations with others who share the same interests.” This new feature is currently being tested with select admins and moderators in the U.S. Read more.

Google On How to Write Good Alt Text

A recent “Google Search Off the Record” podcast shared expert advice on writing exceptional alt text. The episode explored the need to balance the needs of SEO with using alt text correctly for the purpose of accessibility. Topics discussed include tips to help listeners understand the topic of accessibility and alt text, how SEO comes into play and the importance of providing context for an image, things to avoid when writing alt text, common mistakes marketers make, and more. Listen here.

Facebook says Bye-Bye to Instant Articles

It seems like Facebook really is doing the most to reform itself in order to cater to the modern users’ preferences. It’s been announced that the platform will be retiring the ‘Instant Articles’ feature from April next year. First launched in 2015, Instant Articles were designed to provide publishers with an engaging, fast-loading way to share and present articles on the app. Zuckerberg has noted recently that video viewing makes up 50% of time spent on Facebook, with Reels being the fastest-growing content format. This latest news further highlights the platform’s shift towards favoring video content, in response to consumer consumption trends. Read more.

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